Try as we might to avoid them, emergencies are sometimes an inevitable feature of travel. Due to the unpredictability and varying circumstances of international travel, we can't guarantee a particular outcome or the safety of travel. However, we can provide emergency protocols that can help ensure every traveler is prepared to appropriately respond when facing difficult circumstances. Based on your particular situation, we recommend determining who can provide you with the most immediate and appropriate support.
Emergency Protocols
Call the Local Authorities
Once you have tended to your immediate well-being, contact local authorities for safety and medical issues. It should be noted that 911 is not a universal emergency number, so be sure you know the number for police, fire and ambulance prior to departure. If you are a victim of gender-based discrimination, harassment, violence or stalking, please call our Travel Assistance partner first, as laws pertaining to sexual assault differ widely across countries. You can also contact the Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Empowerment (CAPE) for confidential DU support at if you would like to connect with advocacy services. You do not have to make a formal report to access these services.
Reach Out to Local Contacts
Call upon your local contacts, whether that means your program leader, on-site partner or an on-site contact who can provide emergency support or suggestions.
Contact our Travel Assistance partner
In the event of a medical or security emergency, travelers should contact our Travel Assistance partner, Crisis24, (1-443-569-8601) for assistance if time allows.
There will be times when the University takes proactive steps to assist travelers in the event of an emergency. However, whenever possible, travelers should initiate immediate contact with Crisis24, as circumstances may make it difficult for the University to contact travelers depending on the type of emergency.
Emergency Contact Notification
In an emergency where travelers are capable of making their own follow-up decisions, travelers decide whether or not their emergency contacts are notified of an emergency. However, some exceptions apply. The University of Denver may choose, in consultation with others, to inform travelers' emergency contacts about a real or perceived emergency abroad without travelers' permission, such as when:
- travelers are unable to speak for themselves;
- travelers have been missing for more than 24 hours;
- travelers fail to comply with legitimate directives of university officials;
- travelers are perceived to be a danger to themselves or others;
- or when there is a significant safety, or security incident potentially affecting travelers abroad (i.e. civil unrest, act of terrorism, extreme weather, etc.)